(A) 專書及專書論文:
Kuo, P.-C. (2005). The effectiveness of an American science camp for Taiwanese high school students. Unpublished PhD dissertation, The University of Iowa, Iowa City.
(B) 期刊論文:
Kuo, P.-C. (2009). Change of in-service teachers' perceptions about science in a History of Science course. Paper presented at the PEL 2009 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Kuo, P.-C., & Hsieh, Y.-J. (2009). Observation through Different Lens: Gifted-in-Art Students' Perspectives on the Biological World. Paper presented at the International Science Education Conference, Singapore.
Kuo, P.-C., & Wu, H.-Y. (2009). Journey from Lecture into Scientific Discourse in Primary-Grade Classroom. Paper presented at the International Science Education Conference, Singapore.
Kuo, P.-C. (2009). High school students' attitudes toward science and views of nature of science: the development of a multifaceted questionnaire. Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 2009 Conference.
Kuo, P.-C. (2009). A comparative study of senior and junior high school students' attitudes toward science and views of nature of science. Paper presented at the Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) 2009 Annual Conference.
Akcay, H., Akcay, B., & Kuo, P.-C. (2008). Effectiveness of a History of Science Course Experience in Improving Preservice Science Teachers' Understanding of the Nature of Science. Paper presented at the XIII. IOSTE Symposium, Kusadasi, Turkey.
Kuo, P.-C. (2008). Science fair: in-service teachers' views and practice. Paper presented at the Conference of Asian Science Education (CASE), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Kuo, P.-C. (2008). Teachers as Entourages in an Abroad Science Camp: Tugging between Independence and Over-Interference in Children’s Learning. Paper presented at the Conference of Science Education for Children, Tainan, Taiwan.
Kuo, P.-C., & Akcay, H. (2008). Taiwanese in-service teachers' views about scientific inquiry and inquiry-based teaching. Paper presented at the Conference of Asian Science Education (CASE), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Kuo, P.-C. (2007). Teaching strategies in a science camp for ESL students: A case study. Paper presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST), New Orleans, LA, USA.
Kuo, P.-C. (2006). What students learned in a science camp communicating with unfamiliar language: The interaction between scientific inquiry and English learning. Paper presented at the 2006 International Science Education Conference (ISEC), Singapore.
Kuo, P.-C. (2005). A case study of experiences in informal science settings as a scaffold of formal science education. Paper presented at the 117th Annual Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa.
Kuo, P.-C. (2005). Exploiting natural resources in Iowa for project-based scientific inquiry in middle school science. Paper presented at the Iowa Science Teacher Section 2005 Fall conference, Des Moines, Iowa.
Kuo, P.-C. (2005). Attitude toward science in science summer camps for Taiwanese high school students. Paper presented at the School Science and Mathematics Association, Fort Worth, TX.
Kuo, P.-C. (2005). The effectiveness of an American science camp for Taiwanese high school students. Unpublished PhD dissertation, The University of Iowa, Iowa City.
(B) 期刊論文:
Lederman, J. S.,Lederman, N. G., Bartels, S., Jimenez, J., Acosta, K., Akubo, M., Aly, S., de Andrade, M. A. B. S., Atanasova, M., Blanquet, E., Blonder, R., Brown, P., Cardoso, R., Castillo-Urueta, P., Chaipidech, P., Concannon, J., Dogan, O. K., El-Deghaidy, H., Elzorkani, A., Ferdous, T., Fukuda, N., Gaigher, E., Galvis-Solano, L., Gao, Q., Guo, S., Gwekwerere, Y., Gyllenpalm, J., Hamed Al-Lal, S., Han-Tosunoglu, C., Hattingh, A., Holliday, G., Huang, X., Irez, S., Jiménez, J., Kay, G., Koumara, A., Kremer, K., Kuo, P.-C., Lavonen, J., Leung, J. S. C., Liao, Z., Librea-Carden, M. R., Lin, S.-F., Liu, C., Liu, E., Liu, S.-Y., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Mcdonald, C. V., Möller, A., Morales, M., Mulvey, B. K., Neumann, I., Neurohr, A.-L., Pan, Y., Panjaburee, P., Penn, M., Plakitsi, K., Picholle, E., Ramnarain, U., Raykova, Z., Rundgren, C.-J., Salonen, S., Santibáñez-Gómez, D., Schwartz, R., Sharma, R., Srisawasdi, N., Takiveikata, S., Urueta-Ortiz, T., Vitlarov, K., Voitle, F. & Wishart, J. (2021): International collaborative follow-up investigation of graduating high school students’ understandings of the nature of scientific inquiry: is progress Being made?, International Journal of Science Education, DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2021.1894500
Lederman, J. S., Lederman, N. G., Bartels, S., Jimenez, J., Akubo, M., Aly, S., Bao, C., Blanquet, E., Blonder, R., de Andrade, M. B. S., Buntting, C., Cakir, M., EL-Deghaidy, H., ElZorkani, A., Gaigher, E., Guo, S., Hakanen, A., Hamed Al-Lal, S., Han-Tosunoglu, C., Hattingh, A., Hume, A., Irez, S., Kay, G., Dogan, O. K., Kremer, K., Kuo, P.-C., Lavonen, J., Lin, S.-F., Liu, C., Liu, E., Liu, S.-Y., Lv, B., Mamlok-Naaman, R., McDonald, C., Neumann, I., Pan, Y., Pinhole, E., Rivero, A. G., Rundgren, C.-J., Santibanez-Gomez, D., Saunders, K., Schwartz, R., Voitle, F., von Gyllenpalm, J., Wei, F., Wishart, J. Wu, Z., Xiao, H. Yalaki, Y. & Zhou, Q. (2019) An international collaborative investigation of beginning seventh grade students’ understandings of scientific inquiry: establishing a baseline. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56, 486-515.
Wen, M. L., Kuo, P.-C., Tsai, C.-C., & Chang, C.-Y. (2010). Exploring high school students' views regarding the nature of scientific theory: A study in Taiwan. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 19(1), 161-177.
Tsai, C.-C., & Kuo, P.-C. (2008). Cram school students' conceptions of learning and learning science in Taiwan. International Journal of Science Education, 30(3), 351-373. (SSCI)
郭碧祝、陳秀婷 (2009) 提升國小四年級學生過程技能的主題式教學活動. 屏東教育大學學報--教育類,第三十三期,365-396頁.
(C) 研討會論文:
Tsai, C.-C., & Kuo, P.-C. (2008). Cram school students' conceptions of learning and learning science in Taiwan. International Journal of Science Education, 30(3), 351-373. (SSCI)
郭碧祝、陳秀婷 (2009) 提升國小四年級學生過程技能的主題式教學活動. 屏東教育大學學報--教育類,第三十三期,365-396頁.
(C) 研討會論文:
鄭蓉、郭碧祝 (2024) 從遊戲對話探討科學桌遊的訊息傳遞。第40屆科學教育國際學術研討會,高雄,台灣。
徐翌豪、郭碧祝 (2024) 台灣Z世代穴子科學學習觀之初探。第40屆科學教育國際學術研討會,高雄,台灣。
Shen, G.-M., Lin, S.-W., Kuo, P.-C. (2013). Promoting student discourse in primary science classroom with guided inquiry. Proceedings from The 3rd Biennial Conference of Ease-Asian Association for Science Education, Hong Kong, China.
Kuo, P.-C. & Liu, S.-Y. (2012) Influence and mediating factors of History of Science courses on student views of the nature of science. Proceedings from IHPST Asia Regional Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
徐翌豪、郭碧祝 (2023) 大學生領導力與課堂分組議題討論表現敘事研究。第39屆科學教育國際研討會,台北,台灣。
許芷瑄、郭碧祝 (2021) 從概念圖作業探討國小學童的學習態度與學習表現。第37屆科學教育國際研討會,彰化,台灣。
許芷瑄、郭碧祝 (2020) 國小三年級溶解概念延伸探究活動設計研究。第36屆科學教育國際研討會,高雄,台灣。
東妍君、郭碧祝 (2020) 從訪客與展場的互動行為探討以科學博物館為校外教學場域的展場設計。第36屆科學教育國際研討會,高雄,台灣。
尤曼婷、郭碧祝 (2018) 原鄉小學高年級健康教育部分混齡課程實施之個案研究。第34屆科學教育國際研討會,花蓮,台灣。
林晟安、郭碧祝 (2018) 提升任務編組效能的小組合作學習模式。第34屆科學教育國際研討會,花蓮,台灣。
Liu, Y.-C., & Kuo, P.-C. (2017) Elementary students' attention levels in different learning contexts: A preliminary study. Proceedings from the 6th AZEC & 33rd ASET Joint International Conference, Pingtung City, Taiwan.
Hsieh, G.-H., & Kuo, P.-C. (2017) What science museum visitors do staying for an exhibition? Proceedings from the 6th AZEC & 33rd ASET Joint International Conference, Pingtung City, Taiwan.
Liu, S.-Y., Lin, S.-F., & Kuo, P.-C. (2017) Taiwanese seventh grade students' understanding about scientific inquiry: Results from an international collaborative investigation. Proceedings from the 6th AZEC & 33rd ASET Joint International Conference, Pingtung City, Taiwan.
Shen, G.-M., & Kuo, P.-C. (2014) Cultural differences in student epistemological views and perceived difficulty of junior high school science. Proceedings from the 2nd IHPST Asian Regional Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Pen, T.-L., Lin, H.-N., & Kuo, P.-C. (2013). Achieving better group learning in college science classroom: learning tasks and leadership. Proceedings from The 3rd Biennial Conference of Ease-Asian Association for Science Education, Hong Kong, China.Hsieh, G.-H., & Kuo, P.-C. (2017) What science museum visitors do staying for an exhibition? Proceedings from the 6th AZEC & 33rd ASET Joint International Conference, Pingtung City, Taiwan.
Liu, S.-Y., Lin, S.-F., & Kuo, P.-C. (2017) Taiwanese seventh grade students' understanding about scientific inquiry: Results from an international collaborative investigation. Proceedings from the 6th AZEC & 33rd ASET Joint International Conference, Pingtung City, Taiwan.
Shen, G.-M., & Kuo, P.-C. (2014) Cultural differences in student epistemological views and perceived difficulty of junior high school science. Proceedings from the 2nd IHPST Asian Regional Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Shen, G.-M., Lin, S.-W., Kuo, P.-C. (2013). Promoting student discourse in primary science classroom with guided inquiry. Proceedings from The 3rd Biennial Conference of Ease-Asian Association for Science Education, Hong Kong, China.
Kuo, P.-C. & Liu, S.-Y. (2012) Influence and mediating factors of History of Science courses on student views of the nature of science. Proceedings from IHPST Asia Regional Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Chung, C.-J., Wang, Y., Yang, L. & Kuo, P.-C. (2012) Using clickers to improve students' learning memory. Proceedings from Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 23th International Conference, Austin, TX.
Kuo, P.-C. (2011). The formation of learning community: patterns of social network in an elementary science online forum. Proceedings from Australsian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) Annual Conference, Adelaide, Australia.
Kuo, P.-C., Wen, M. L. (2011) Social engagement and the effectiveness of online meeting for science teacher professional development. Proceedings from ustralasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) Annual Conference, Adelaide, Australia.
Wu, H.-Y., Kuo, P.-C., & Lin-H.-N. (2011) The variation of student' roles in different science learning communities. Proceedings from Science Language & E-Learning Conference, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Akcay, H., Kuo, P.-C., & Akcay, B. (2010). Attitudes of preservice science teachers toward computer and internet-based learning. Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Hualien, Taiwan.Kuo, P.-C. (2009). Change of in-service teachers' perceptions about science in a History of Science course. Paper presented at the PEL 2009 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Kuo, P.-C., & Hsieh, Y.-J. (2009). Observation through Different Lens: Gifted-in-Art Students' Perspectives on the Biological World. Paper presented at the International Science Education Conference, Singapore.
Kuo, P.-C., & Wu, H.-Y. (2009). Journey from Lecture into Scientific Discourse in Primary-Grade Classroom. Paper presented at the International Science Education Conference, Singapore.
Kuo, P.-C. (2009). High school students' attitudes toward science and views of nature of science: the development of a multifaceted questionnaire. Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 2009 Conference.
Kuo, P.-C. (2009). A comparative study of senior and junior high school students' attitudes toward science and views of nature of science. Paper presented at the Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) 2009 Annual Conference.
Akcay, H., Akcay, B., & Kuo, P.-C. (2008). Effectiveness of a History of Science Course Experience in Improving Preservice Science Teachers' Understanding of the Nature of Science. Paper presented at the XIII. IOSTE Symposium, Kusadasi, Turkey.
Kuo, P.-C. (2008). Science fair: in-service teachers' views and practice. Paper presented at the Conference of Asian Science Education (CASE), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Kuo, P.-C. (2008). Teachers as Entourages in an Abroad Science Camp: Tugging between Independence and Over-Interference in Children’s Learning. Paper presented at the Conference of Science Education for Children, Tainan, Taiwan.
Kuo, P.-C., & Akcay, H. (2008). Taiwanese in-service teachers' views about scientific inquiry and inquiry-based teaching. Paper presented at the Conference of Asian Science Education (CASE), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Kuo, P.-C. (2007). Teaching strategies in a science camp for ESL students: A case study. Paper presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST), New Orleans, LA, USA.
Kuo, P.-C. (2006). What students learned in a science camp communicating with unfamiliar language: The interaction between scientific inquiry and English learning. Paper presented at the 2006 International Science Education Conference (ISEC), Singapore.
Kuo, P.-C. (2005). A case study of experiences in informal science settings as a scaffold of formal science education. Paper presented at the 117th Annual Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa.
Kuo, P.-C. (2005). Exploiting natural resources in Iowa for project-based scientific inquiry in middle school science. Paper presented at the Iowa Science Teacher Section 2005 Fall conference, Des Moines, Iowa.
Kuo, P.-C. (2005). Attitude toward science in science summer camps for Taiwanese high school students. Paper presented at the School Science and Mathematics Association, Fort Worth, TX.